Thursday, October 22, 2009

Passion or Complacency?

I haven't written in a while and I apologize for slacking off! So much has happened since my last post, went to South Africa with the interns, went home to America and spent a great time with friends and family, got denied a visa to go back to the UK, got approved a visa and then finally ended up back in the UK with a new group of interns for the year.
This current team is very different from my last group. They are such a wide range of personalities, different upbringings, different issues and younger. Obviously you aren't going to get the same group every year and I definitely wouldn't want that, but you can't help to compare them to the previous group you had. I already love them though. They are so excited about everything, passionate and eager to learn about God and how they can grow closer to Him. I think the thing that I enjoy about them the most is that all of that excitement can be channeled and focus on something productive. At times all of their energy can be tiring and you just want some peace and quite, but when I find myself complaining the Lord reminds me that far better to have energy then complacency! How much harder is it to inspire and stir up someone who is complacent then to help someone who is passionate focus that desire on something positive. At the end of this term, no doubt I'll be tired maybe even exhausted; but I know I won't regret one minute of it because it will mean 5 young people have grown in the Lord and their excitement and passion will be focused on the will of God for their lives! What could be a better reason to be tired?!